Thursday, 20 February 2014

Forgetting every little thing!

I dont think i have ever been as humiliated as i was yesterday!
My days usually consist of running after my daughter, cleaning everything up after her, feeding her, changing her, bathing her, cuddling with her, playing with her, reading to her, and putting her to sleep,  sometimes i do everything of this 10x each day!.
I never know whats behind the corner, i have to think about her all day, when she is ill and she cant tell me what is wrong, thats the worst bit..
She is the light of my life and I love her so much, but being a full time stay at home mum is something like, working a full time job, where ur boss is  crazy and throws jobs on you and you have to finish them NOW or he will have a paddy fit, and there are no lunchbreaks, you have to wee so fast your in danger of the pee  going everywhere, you´ll eat on the go. and once your home your on call, sometimes you get a full night off, sometimes he will ring you up 10x, make you wake up and then as soon as your about to drift off again he rings again!!..
Being a mum isnt easy, and really does tire you out

so to my point... Yesterday I sat and watched a bit of TV after putting my girl to sleep, and had my computer next to me when all of a sudden it turned off!,
i tried re-booting it, plugging it in charge, made sure the charger was in the computer and in the plug socket, and nothing, i was crying my eyes out thinking I had lost all the pictures of my beautiful girl!,, then when my other half came home and cleared the mess of cords my my chager, we realized,, THE CHARGER WASING PLUGED TOGEATHER!!!! omy!! after crying finding the receipt for my computer, thinking i had lost all the pictures and bearly eating, it was just a silly mistake!!,, igh feel so stupid but what can you do when your sleep deprived and hungry?

hope you all have a good day xx
a picture of my daughter eating breakfast , allways fun to clean up after her.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Cleaning the house being pregnant with a 13 month old!

It has taken me 13 months to start realizing a rutene that works for me and my family,, its hard when your life changes with a newborn, everything chages!, what you do whatever you do..
13 months ago I had a little girl, Perfect, ended up staying in the hospital for a week as I was severly anemic, once I got home my whole time I was running around after my little girl, making sure she was fed, making sure she was clean,  dry, wearing something comfy, but this whole time i never stopped and tought,, "what do I need?"
now in the new year of 2014 I was diagnosed with hypothyrodism, I was having severe shaking and feeling terrible, I started on medication that made me very drowsy and tired all the time, and i felt the house was getting dirtier by the second and my little girl not getting the attention she deserved.
So I decided do plan ahead, do what i can when I can. And changed my attitute, now while my girl is awake i play with her sing to her, put her in her highchair and let her watch me do the dishes,  she loves to watch me sweep and mop too, i sing to her while i fold the laundry and so when she is awake I do the cleaning and the same time spend time with her! and omy ! now the 1-2 hours she sleeps in the day ( varies from day to day)  I have a cuppa tea, relax , do a bit of crocheting , have a long bath (having the door open to make sure i hear her wake up), and just recharge myself!, I feel 10x better for it, and the house hasnt been this clean since we moved in , and ive never cooked meals this many days on the trot :)
loving my new lifestyle!, and it still gives me time to meet up with friends and take my daughter to play in the children center

have a good day people xx

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Loving my baby

Now my Little girl is 13 months old, she is VERY active , she does not stop all day every day, only for the hour a day she sleeps and then at night ( thankfully! )
I love her to bits I couldnt think how different my life would be without her.
I am a normal mum and I do love having an hour or two with my friends by myself while her dad takes her for a walk or watches a movie with her, just sometimes 15 minutes to chill and drink my tea, but thats not allways an option.
the things i miss the most is having a bath without constatly listening out, or even going to the toilet without having her climbing on me!,
But all in all, the good most deffinately outway the bad :)

Monday, 10 February 2014

I love cooking, simple roast, recipies i have never done before, or just something i throw togeather from what i find in the freezer and the cubbords :) Yesterday I made me and my daughter a roast , I covered the chicken with season all and cook for about an hour, then i boil potatoes and once boiled i place them on a pan with oil, let the seer and add salt,peper,bit of oregano or whatever spices i fancy , then we have to have our veggies as she is still growing and so is the baby in my belly! :) and to top it off i put Vegetable gravy ontop! :) she ate her whole meal and was so happy :)
I went to bed as one happy mummy! :D hope u all have a good day x

Monday, 3 February 2014

Pregnant and taking care of a toddler!

This past few days have been long!,
At risk pregnancy and chasing a toddler around all day is not the best thing you can do.

Im 21 and have a 13 month old little girl, and 14 weeks pregnant with my second and LAST child!
I had preeclampsia and obstetrics colitis when i was pregnant with my little girl, I ended up in 80 hours labour ending in a forcep delivery. I crashed and nearly died and missed the first two days out of my baby girls life because of doctors mistake!
With this baby Im only 14 weeks and already have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism im on constant medication which keep me sluggish and tired all day and you can imagine how that feels with a overactive toddler too!!

As this is my first post I wanted to keep in short and sweet and go into more detail later :)
hope you like what you read and if you have any question please just ask :)